In cataract surgery, there are many integral parts of the procedure that need a high-attention to detail for that patient to have optimal results. One of the most important aspects of cataract surgery and its success rate is the intraocular lens implant (IOL). The surgeon has taken much time and focus on making sure that calculations for the lens implant are dead-accurate. Having the right lenses, specialty lens picks, plus backups for everything just in case is very important, not only for a smooth day but for the patient! Let’s walk through some of the ins and outs of IOL lens management and how we take care of the entire IOL process at Surgical Direct.
IOL Lens Management is a BIG JOB.
1) Before Surgery Day
As we already mentioned, the IOL implant is one of the most crucial aspects of cataract surgery. It’s extremely important to be over-prepared in this department, and ready for any unforeseen issues that may arise during the case.
Every cataract case should have measurements for 3 possible lens implants, 1) A primary lens, 2) A Sulcus (3-piece) implant, and 3) an Anterior Chamber lens. It’s important to have all 3 of those lens picks available for that specific case. Each of those lenses is requested for specific case scenarios. If the capsule is unstable, the surgeon may request his sulcus implant. If a deeper issue arises, the surgeon may request an AC lens. Generally, the primary lens will be implanted in the 85-90th percentile of cases (some situations could be less or more). But for that 10-15% of cases that need a backup lens opened, generally it’s not an optimal scenario for the surgeon, and not having the right lens can make a difficult situation even more stressful.
We mention all of that to say that preparedness is crucial!
Let’s say that your surgeon brings 10 cases per surgery day. That’s an immediate 30 lenses that need to be accounted for from 3 different consignments. That doesn’t include making sure you have backup lenses in case of contaminations. That also doesn’t include the scenario that your surgeon may be requesting premium lenses (like Torics or Multi-focals), or different brands/models throughout the day.
Let’s give you a quick example of scale. In the Toric market alone, now very popular for astigmatism correction, Alcon has 9 levels of correction power. That means that there are 9 different models of Toric that your surgeon may ask for. Each model has a 6-30 diopter range in half diopter intervals. The leading manufacturers in IOL implants (like Alcon and J&JVision) come out with new models and technology every year. And now, there are Toric-Multifocals that also have different models with different correction powers. With all the different options available today, the days of just having 2-3 consignments to meet all the surgeon’s IOL needs are coming to an end, if not already over.
It’s important to keep pace with this because surgeons will likely request the new technology when it’s available and giving them the opportunity to do so can improve patient satisfaction and offer a higher level of care.
So back to prep, before the day even begins, all of the requested lenses need to be ordered, organized, checked for expiration/contamination, and ensured there are adequate backups for any unforeseen issues. Ask anyone who manages lens consignments, it’s a lot of work! But it doesn’t stop there…
2) During Surgery Day
During surgery, the lenses need to be ordered carefully to be sure that there is NO confusion on which lens is right for that patient. It takes the whole room being focused and aware that the lens that is opened is THE right lens that the doctor has asked for. Double-checking (even triple-checking) is highly recommended. Every lens will come with its specific manufacturer lens implantation device (generally an injector and a cartridge) that needs to be ready in order to properly inject the lens. When you get into having 2-3 different styles of lenses, there needs to be a lot of attention to detail on which lens is being opened and which corresponding injector system needs to be ready. Each lens will come with implant stickers that need to be charted and reported for that patient, not only for medical records but for manufacturer implantation reporting and consignment re-ordering purposes.
All of that preparation and work is for a normal, routine case. What if there is a problem with the implant? What if a lens is contaminated? What if a lens is implanted, then explanted due to unforeseen problems? There is extra paperwork that needs to be processed for that specific lens and case.
3) After Surgery Day
An equal amount of effort used in prep and during surgery also needs to be put towards your lens consignment post surgery. Every lens opened and implanted needs to be documented and accounted for. Every lens will have a card that needs to be filled out and sent back to the manufacturer for reporting purposes. Then, you’ll need to process a report for your lens consignments to be refilled. Special reporting needs to happen for lens returns. And all of this has to be done in a timely fashion so that the consignments are fully restocked before the next surgery day (at which the process starts all over again). Shipping costs on lenses and time allotted for restocking your consignments must be considered as well.
Here’s the good news you’ve been waiting for.
Are you ready for it?
Surgical Direct provides a mobile cataract service that not only provides your facility with the latest cataract technology without spending a dollar of capital funds, but we also manage the entire lens process for you!
In addition to supplying state-of-the-art cataract equipment, disposable supplies, and an ‘on-the-ball’ technician, we manage over 50 in-house lens consignments from 3 different lens manufacturers, including back-up and specialty lenses like Torics & Multi-Focals.
Our in-house full-time lens & inventory manager has been managing our lens processes for over 7 years. He spends a considerable amount of time every week on follow-up with doctors’ offices, coordinating needed lenses for every surgery day, and ensuring we provide the right lens for every patient. If a lens exists and the surgeon asks for it, we can provide it. We take care of all lens requests from the surgeon’s office, lens ordering, special ordering, consignment replenishments, shipping, receiving, and re-stocking.
How much time does your lens management take away from your week?
Call us today and let us take this off your plate! You can try our services first hand for FREE. Sign up for our Free Demo Day and experience Surgical Direct first hand at no charge. (see demo day page for full details).
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