Satellite Cataract Surgery Boost

Is your ophthalmic practice looking for new ways to increase revenue in 2020 and beyond?

Satellite Cataract Surgery can offer a revenue boost for your practice and allows access into new markets of case potential that you did not have before. However, starting satellite surgery entails ample setup and administration before your first case. Ongoing management of satellite operations may also present unique and time-consuming challenges that differ from traditional practice. Some surgeons have the desire to establish satellite surgery because of the potential revenue stream, but are deterred by the startup details.

Surgical Direct’s satellite surgery program takes care of the legwork associated with getting established in a new satellite location. In addition, we manage many of the ongoing surgical details associated with the account. In short, we make it much simpler for our surgeons to start a satellite surgery in new markets.

Here’s how we do that:

1) Finding Your Satellite Market

The first step is picking a market to satellite. In initial conversations, we will help you determine which location is best for you. Alternatively, approaching our team with a desired target market is welcome. Once we know the general area, we can begin making calls.

2) Finding Referrals

A big piece of the satellite surgery puzzle is a healthy referral relationship. Often times, we already have connections with referring OD practices in the area that we can connect you with. If we do not have any previous connections, we will do the legwork in finding some.

3) Finding An OR

Next, we will take inventory of our connections with hospitals and ASCs we may already have in the area and start making some calls. Similar to referrals, we may already have a center that is interested in an extra day of cases that just needs a surgeon. If we don’t have pre-existing connections in the area, we will find some. We connect the dots for you.

4) Outfitting The OR

Once the previous steps are confirmed, Surgical Direct’s Mobile Cataract Service will step in and outfit the OR with the equipment you need to operate comfortably. Select the Phaco system and microscope you want and we’ll provide it at no capital expense to the facility.

5) Ongoing Surgery-Day Partnership

Not only will we supply the technology you are comfortable operating with, but we also supply surgeon-selected ancillary supplies, lens picks, and backups for your cases. Our team works directly with your office on acquiring accurate lens picks for each surgery day, ensuring that you have what you need for every case. Read more about our provisions here.

Surgical Direct is the partner you have been looking for when it comes to satellite cataract surgery. Our mission is to create a more seamless cataract surgery experience and open the doors to new opportunities for your practice.

Have questions?

Click or call today to get a conversation in motion about Satellite Cataract Services with Surgical Direct.

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