Preparing for Cataract Equipment Failure

Cataract equipment failure can be a big source of frustration in your OR on surgery day, bringing the potential for surgery cancellations, revenue loss, and unhappy patients and surgeons. Phaco machines, phaco handpieces, microscopes, and instruments all play vital roles in surgery and all have the potential for failure. Honestly, it’s inevitable that your OR will experience it at some point. Even if the smallest component of any of the prior mentioned equipment is not fully functional, it can really put a damper on the day.

How do you prepare, making sure that equipment failure does not hinder your surgery day and cause delays or cancellations?

4 ways to be ready for Cataract Equipment Failure.

1) Acquire basic knowledge of how the equipment works.

One of the most valuable tools in dealing with equipment failure is diagnosing the problem.  Knowing what might be causing the issue will help you determine whether it’s a simple issue (ie the tubing line detached from the handpiece or the phaco tip is loose), or a deeper problem (ie the software is malfunctioning). Valuable knowledge of the equipment and how it works can be the difference between a two minute delay and an entire day of cancellations.

By partnering with Surgical Direct Inc, the pressure on your staff is eliminated! Our knowledgeable and proactive surgical coordinators play an active role in your OR. Each team member of Surgical Direct Inc. is skilled at resolving equipment failure issues, from diagnosis to solution, to keep the day moving as swiftly as possible.

2) Have backups available and in a designated location.

Having backup supplies and equipment is important to ensure that if an issue arises that cannot be diagnosed and addressed, then backup equipment is available to be substituted for the day. For small items like phaco-tips, tubing packs, and microscope light bulbs, this is a no-brainer. Even having extra peel-packed supplies like lens loaders, and backup instruments in case of contamination is smart. These backup supplies should be located in a designated location in the room for quick access. To take it a step further, having a backup phaco machine and extra handpieces available (sterilized and ready) on site adds extra confidence to the staff in case deeper technical issues arise.

A partnership with Surgical Direct, means you do not need to purchase or manage stocking backup supplies or equipment. We provide ample amounts of disposable backups as well as equipment backups for every surgery day that you partner with us.

3) Have technical support contact info readily available.

There are times when equipment will fail, and you will not be able to diagnose what’s happening in a timely fashion. If within a few minutes, you cannot decipher what is happening, it’s a good idea to call technical support to try to find answers quickly. Often this contact may be the manufacturer sales representative, etc. Having their contact information close at hand and accessible in order to gain insight quickly can either shed light on a simple solution or be the deciding factor that backup equipment needs to be pulled into the room.

The point is to minimize case downtime as much as possible, and a partnership with Surgical Direct Inc., we provide professional surgical coordinators that will often be able to diagnose and resolve the issue. If the issue constitutes a manufacturer service call, our backup equipment is ready to fill in. Additionally, we have excellent relationships with the manufacturer vendors and reps and have their contact info ready in case additional support is needed.

4) Have a plan and inform the team.

A detailed plan of action that your surgical team is familiar with will help ensure swift resolve on what to do in case of cataract equipment failure. Training and communication on where backup supplies are kept, general knowledge of instrumentation and terminology, and a contingency plan will help keep everyone on the same page. This will also ease the “panic mode” that can set in when the unexpected happens, keeping everyone calm and on task.

Experience the peace of mind that partnering with Surgical Direct provides with our customer-centric culture that continually raises the standard of excellent service that will help make your cataract program thrive.

Equipment failures happen. We are prepared for the unexpected and that makes all the difference. Partnering with Surgical Direct is the most efficient way for your facility to optimize in this area. Think of the cost savings of supplying backup supplies. Think of the savings on repair costs! Our team provides a deeper level of knowledge, experience, and assurance to the OR that no matter what happens, we help streamline your cataract days successfully and professionally.

Want to know more about Surgical Direct and our services? Check out Why a Cataract Outsourcing Partnership Makes Sense in 2019 to see how Surgical Direct can position your cataract program for growth.

Surgical Direct Inc is a partner that you can trust and depend on!

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