Navigating COVID-19

The days we are living right now are unprecedented. It is remarkable how every day in the last week has brought dramatic changes to our nation and our economy. No one seems to be unaffected. We all have had to shift and adjust to this progressive situation and adapt quickly.

At Surgical Direct Inc, we believe in (and have built our company on) a culture of serving others. We serve doctors, nurses, administrators, and patients. Deeper than that, we serve people.

In times like this, it’s important that we band together as a people and serve one another (using social distancing, of course). We are all in this together, and all of us have been affected.

We are following the COVID-19 updates closely, and our primary concern is for the health and safety of our team, patients, facility staff and doctors. As the situation develops and more mandates are put into place the help “soften the curve” of the spread of this virus around the country, we are doing our best to adapt and follow suit.

In light of social distancing, it feels like most of the country is starting to shut down, so we anticipate less surgery over the next few weeks. Even though it’s difficult to plan for what the future looks like, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The COVID-19 pandemic will come to an end.

So, as we stay safe over these next few weeks, now is a great time to think of a plan of action going forward.

Surgical Direct Inc is a trusted partner that you can count on. We provide the latest cataract technology to your facility when you need it, as well as full-service provisions of ancillary supplies, lenses, and top-rated technical support.

As you begin to think about how your practice is going to “catch-up” after COVID-19, consider a partnership with Surgical Direct. We can help you operate in more locations, on more patients, with less of the operational headache.

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