Alcon Centurion VS B&L Stellaris Elite

Today, we wanted to do a quick comparison on two of the highest-rated phaco machines in today’s market, Alcon Centurion vs B&L Stellaris Elite.

Phacoemulsification platforms are highly advanced pieces of medical equipment. Ultrasonic phacoemulsification was first introduced in the 60s, but it wasn’t until the 80s that it caught on as the primary method of cataract removal, and even then, there were still many skeptics. Since the 90s, phaco has taken a drastic upturn and has become the primary method of cataract removal, resulting in a 98% success rate on all cataract surgery operations. That’s pretty astonishing and heavily due to how sophisticated phaco technology has developed.

So let’s look at two big players in today’s market and look at their selling points.

What are the main differences between Centurion and Stellaris Elite?


The Alcon Centurion Vision System

1) Onboard Ultrasonic Technology

Centurion carries over the powerful OZIL Phaco Technology from its predecessor (Alcon Infiniti), along with some significant upgrades. Centurion gives the option to use traditional/ longitudinal ultrasonic patterns or OZIL’s patented Torsional ultrasound, or a combination of both at the same time. This is no different from the Infiniti. However, Centurion introduced the INTREPID Balanced Tip to the market (which is only available with Centurion). The Balanced Tip offers more effective cutting, with less movement at the incision. This has proven to be highly efficient in emulsifying dense cataracts using less power output.

2) Fluidic Technology

Arguably one of the best features on Centurion is its fluidic technology. Centurion uses Active fluidics, which means that gravity drip is not at play on this system. Instead, the bag of BSS is gripped between two adjustable plates. Highly-sensitive pressure reading sensors constantly monitor intraocular pressure throughout the procedure, sending signals to the plates to adjust the inflow of fluid. This allows the surgeon to set a desired IOP for the case, and Centurion will keep that IOP inside automatically. This creates a “stable” or “quite” chamber for the surgeon, greatly reducing the chance of post-occlusion surge. The fluidic pump is a Peristaltic pump, which builds vacuum pressure incrementally, but due to this system’s software, we’ve never heard a surgeon complain about the available vacuum levels this machine can produce.

3) User Interface

Centurion’s user interface is intuitive, sophisticated, and highly programmable. The user touch screen is extremely accurate and the interface is user-friendly, giving accurate and detailed reports at all times. Centurion also offers solid (and familiar) interface elements to the surgeon. The Centurion’s foot pedal is wireless, solid (made of metal and not plastic), and easy to navigate during surgery. The Centurion OZIL handpiece feels just like the old Infiniti OZIL handpiece, so it is familiar to those who have used previous Alcon platforms. Plus it has Luer locks on the IA ports, reducing those annoying “the tubing line fell off the handpiece” scenarios.


The Bausch & Lomb Stellaris Elite Vision System

1) Onboard Ultrasonic Technology

Stellaris Elite is the newest released phaco platform. While the Stellaris platform has existed for quite a few years, you can think of the Elite as the latest and upgraded version of Stellaris. Stellaris Elite introduces Attune Energy technology to the phaco market with a six-crystal handpiece that delivers an optimized 28.5 kHz frequency. This provides consistent power delivery and increased stroke length. 

2) Fluidic Technology

Stellaris Elite hosts a Venturi pump, which is a chamber based vacuum system. This means that a vacuum chamber is pressurized and used to access high levels of vacuum on demand. Venturi is nothing new to Stellaris (all previous versions have Venturi pumps as well), but the difference with this system is its Advanced Vacuum Module StableChamber Fluidics System. StableChamber minimizes surge and allows for high-vacuum surgery through an incision as small as a 1.8mm.

3) User Interface

Like Centurion, Stellaris Elite hosts an intuitive, highly-customizable, and easy-to-navigate user interface that allows for effortless customization of case settings and defaults. Elite also provides the surgeon with familiar handpiece interfaces (if they’ve used B&L systems before) and the foot pedal is also wireless. Another notable feature about the foot pedal is that it’s dual-linear and programmable so the surgeon can have full control of aspiration and ultrasound independently.

4) Posterior & Anterior Segment Options

In many respects, both Centurion and Stellaris Elite are similar. The biggest marked difference between the two is that Stellaris Elite is a multi-procedural system. In addition to providing a highly advanced and stable environment for cataract surgery, Stellaris Elite is also one of the leading platforms in posterior segment surgery. The Vitesse Hypersonic Vitrectomy System onboard the Elite is the most sophisticated and programmable vitrectomy system to date. This makes the Stellaris a viable option for both cataract and retina surgeons, providing both a cutting-edge and safe operating system.


The Surgeon’s Preference Wins!

Surgeons tend to have loyalty to certain systems or brands based on familiarity. But we’ve often found that many surgeons are very interested in switching platforms when new technology is introduced to the market. However, many are stuck using an old phaco platform due to a deficiency in capital.

Surgeons should be able to pick and choose what platform is best for their surgical process. They should be able to try new technology as it comes out. This has the potential to increase the level of care they offer their patients.

Surgical Direct Inc offers the ability for any surgeon to access today’s latest phaco, microscope, IOL, and other ophthalmic technology at no upfront cost. Our Mobile Cataract Service model is designed to allow surgeons to use the technology they want and open the door for options without burdening the facility with large capital expenses.

Want to try Centurion, Stellaris Elite, or another phaco system in your facility? Give us a call today and inquire about a Free SDI Demo Day.

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